Long story short: I have been divorced from the most miserable individual one has ever met for going on seven years now. Yeah yeah...I can hear it now. BFD. Aren't we all? Don't we all have a miserable ex? I can honestly say, however, if you were to ask anyone of my friends and/or family, you would probably get confirmation that yes, my ex-husband beats about 90% of all others in the "Most Crazy Ex" category. My father refers to him as "Senor Psychopath."
Anyway...this is not my point. Just setting it up. Point is, every so often, I have to deal with the wrath that is my ex. Thing is...I really don't have to, he just thinks I do. He is under this misconception that even though we are divorced, and have been for a very long time, that I have to do what he wants and he has control over my life. I'm sorry...I guess I figured when the judge gave me my given sir name back, that gave me the authority to tell him to take a long walk off a short pier. Unfortunately, he did not get that memo.
Lately, the issue has become more global as it has spread to my son (the one I share with him). The ex has now decided if he cannot control me, he can control my son. A lot of good old fashion guilt is being played on a sensitive, diplomatic 12 year old that wants to make everyone happy. Nice move. I bet that gives him a real sense of manhood being able to make a child feel like hell.
Is it just me, or will Karma bite him in the ass one day? I am a firm believer that the way of the universe is to follow the rule "what comes around goes around." In this life or next he will get his.
Damn, I wish he would get it tomorrow, though. Can I get an AMEN?