I ask myself that a lot these days. Nothing like unexpected death to get your mind reeling and asking a lot of questions... reevaluating your whole life and asking...am I enough? Am I everything God designed and envisioned me to be or am I a serious slacker cause I'm scared or comfortable, or I let the world and some around me shape my view of me and what I ought to do. What am I supposed to do? Have I done enough? Have I ran the race as though to win it? My answer is a big fat NO. I know I matter, I know I've done a lot and I make a difference in the lives of my children especially, but am I teaching them the really important things and to really reach for those goals and dreams that I like to tell them to reach for? If not...their going to see right thru me pretty darn quick... and then, did I matter at all or will I just be the eye roll when one of them says Mom used to tell me to do this...thing was, she didn't do it herself! When I die tomorrow, 10 years, or please... 64 years from now...will I have won the race? 10 years from now will I be sorry I did something or sorry I didn't if I don't make big changes now? All good questions and lately part of my everyday thinking...The thing is, I'm not all alone in asking these questions am I? Admit it...you have at one point in your life asked to. Call it a mid mid life crisis, call it temporary insanity, call it to many fruity Long Island Ice Tea's at Applebee's...but you know as well as I do...you've done it...and if you haven't yet...sorry to be the bearer of bad news but...it's coming. This I know for sure.
On what seems like not enough girls nights you will find us around a table threatening to sing Karoke and discussing the good, the bad, and the ugly...or aka...I hate this part of my body! When did the people in this place become closer in age to my kids then they did to me? My spouse doesn't get it! What do I want to be when I grow up? How long will I have to date now that I'm divorced and how many frogs do I have to kiss? He did what...Seriously!? I needed that promotion and they promoted a 22 year old kid! The list can go on and on and on...Matter of fact...that's how the idea of this blog was born. One night we started talking about how wonderful, funny, or laughingly pathetic life really is and that we could all write a book and split up the chapters. We're all the same age and in different stages and seasons but yet we're all asking the SAME questions and finding common ground in the topics and helping each other thru the issues to the answers...So, long story short, if you choose to read this blog, what you will see is smart, beautiful, funny and so NOT size 6 women and their wonderful, funny, or laughingly pathetic yet amusing stories and perspectives as we REDEFINE LIFE as we know it. There may even be an occasional guest Male writer so that we can have a different perspective...and be reminded that we really are always right. ;) Don't worry...I'll give them the really good topics. lol! Hope you'll join us on the journey...it's going to be a heck of a ride.
What a great idea. God knows we will have this thing lit up like a Christmas tree in no time!